April 3rd
2 min readApr 3, 2021
continuing on the subject of new job:
- I can find only a one, tiny negative thing about it — I will have to commute by car (no more walking or biking or using public transport). It’s about 25 minutes driving each way, so I will have to spend more money on gas.
- It will pay more right at the start than I make after 5 years at my current job.
- This is a big company (employs more than 500 people), but it’s not a corporation.
- There is no corporate culture (that emphasizes constant rat race, achieving unrealistic KPIs, and doing things for the sake of doing them) there, but instead it’s run more like a family/partner like business.
- It has a strong presence in its profile locally and nationwide.
- It’s more laid back and quiet — you do what is required of you and go home after 8 hours.
- It’s NOT my current crazy, chaotic and paranoid workplace.
- My new boss seems nice and is NOT my current crazy, chaotic, paranoid boss (there is no way that my new boss can be in any way as awful being as my current boss — she is really something special crazy).
- I am well-prepared for anything that work can throw at me and can require of me.
- I need a change and I need this change soon (ok, I will need to wait months for my notice-of-leaving period to be over until starting this new job).
What else can I say — I am happy and excited. I don’t think I could ask for a better result for my job search. I know I am and my skills are wanted there and can finally leave behind the job I hate (and my current boss who I hate and who makes me sick and who always makes me feel like I am not good enough). Cannot wait to start a new chapter in my professional life!