April 9th
An observation. Around 6 pm I had a phone call from work from the warehouse — they never call me after hours, so I knew that had to be important. It was. I had to log in to our system and make some changes to received order. It took me 10 minutes, it was Friday afternoon but no big deal. Once doing that, I opened my emails… I left work today around 3 pm and in 3 hours on Friday afternoon I received 31 emails…WTF is that? Really, all the people I work with have nothing better to do than to write work emails once weekends starts? Or maybe they just send them, so they can claim that they took care of this or that issue this week? No matter that I will get to read them on Monday morning when I am back at work. Or maybe they think that I will need them in case I will do some work on the weekend? Sending work related emails after, let's say 4 pm on Friday should be banned by law. It’s awful and counterproductive — at least from my standpoint — I get angry every Monday morning when I see all that unnecessary bullshit that I need to go through before I actually start my work.
And because of that I got angry now as well. I need to relax and try to enjoy my weekend.