August 31st
Why people cannot stop lying to themselves? Why do we have this widespread delusion of organized religion? Why there is more and more fundamentalism in all aspects of our lives and by extension that fundamentalism creeps into our so-called “modern” society. Every single religion that ever existed and exists now is so unbelievable mind-boggling absurd concept. It is beyond my power to understand and any willingness to tolerate. If only a believer would say — “I believe because I am afraid. Afraid of what awaits after death. If there is nothing after death then I am afraid of that nothingness. I am afraid of finding the meaning of life and my purpose here on Earth on my own. I am afraid to examine my life and set my own values. I am afraid to ask questions and even more afraid of finding answers.” If only they would say it then I could respect that attitude. Whatever is needed to alleviate pain and fear of life — that is fine. But to make up some ideas and ideology and trying to force it on others — that is complete bullshit. Trying to prove which magic being is more powerful by abusing and killing dissenters, ritually mutilating children (even today with FGM and circumcisions for boys) to keep some ludicrous covenant with “god”, stifling any social progress and any attempts for unity. All in the name of some ridiculous tradition, some illogical family, and tribal heritage. Having an identity based on a set of morals and ethics written in antiquity. I cannot respect any person who proclaims his/her religiousness publicly in any way and yes — I believe that I am better as a person and human than any of them. And unfortunately, I don’t see any possible way to change it, religious people are morons and there are A LOT of them. And they are loud and without any self-reflection and any self-awareness. They don’t have any doubts about anything, they just know that if they can make everybody around them as miserable as they are, they will reap a heavenly reward. They cannot stand any happiness in others since it clashes with the solemn morbidity of their belief and their lives. I cannot stand this crap.