Blessed ignorance
March 13th, 2024
I try not to, but I just cannot help hearing and overhearing other people's conversations. It can happen at work during the break, or in some shops, or just passing a group of people on the street. And hearing those conversations many times brings me pain, a literal physical pain. The vapidity and lack of compression are the main culprits. And in those conversations, it seems clear to me how blissfully ignorant a vast majority of people are. Of course, that is a generalization — but I hold it as true, so that’s that. It must be so deeply satisfying to be ignorant and not to be aware of it. Wait, lack of awareness is the main tenet of being ignorant, if a person is aware of him/herself — that person cannot be ignorant. So, being ignorant makes a person lack self-awareness and vice versa.
I wish for something like that to happen to me. To be ignorant and yet, at the same time, to be so sure — of everything. I try and try to expand my ignorance by limiting the quantity and lowering the quality of information that is available to me. Nothing doing, it seems that information gets into me like by osmosis. Also, when I am sure of something, some situation that is happening locally or globally, I will not try to make it appear like I know the details or possible repercussions of this situation. I will say that I know enough about it to form an informed opinion, and if my interest in the said situation is piqued — I will dwell on it and search deeper for answers. So, there is nothing blissed or blessed about my ignorance.