April 6th, 2024
There are countless conspiracies and even more conspiracy theories to along with them. Conspiracies are usually small, since people cannot be trusted to keep their mouths shut to create big ones. And the real big ones are not hidden in some smoke-filled back rooms — they are right in front of us, with widespread acceptance, or not as much as a second thought from those against whom they are perpetuated.
Conspiracy theories are constantly growing and are a part of our lives and of every news cycle. I completely understand the reasons behind this phenomenon. They are supposed to bring comfort to those most severely affected by hardships and the breakdown of social contracts. Some conspiracy theories are a genuine effort to get to the bottom of the truth. Some are no more than intellectual exercise. Some are an inevitable part of the democratic political system. Some are just pure entertainment.
But there is something that people miss when thinking about conspiracies. There is no one underlying conspiracy for all others to exist. There is not some secret cabal hellbent on bringing distress to others. What might seem like a global conspiracy against regular people is only the opportunity and shamelessness of some people to better their place in society. Those on top are there not because of some back deals or special skills they might think they possess (and boy — how they think they are better than others!). They are just like us — stupid, greedy, violent, chaotic, awful, and boorish. That is why it is so hard to accept the truth — our lives are not logical and organized, they are chaotic, short of purpose, and random. And there is not anybody behind this — it is just the way we are and live. The acceptance that all we do and work for is dependent on horrifying randomness is scary.