Creativity in summer
August 13th
I have non, creativity in summer that is. I am physically active, I am on my bike all the time, I walk a lot, I work in the garden, and I am kayaking as often as time allows. I read a lot (again) — a book or two every week. It seems in all my evenings I find 2–3 hours just to sit down and read and think. But my thinking is disorganized. My thoughts dart in all directions without much set aim. I find it difficult to concentrate on particular thoughts and ideas. My writing suffers as well, there is no needed level of internal satisfaction in my writing now. And I blame summer and heat and the weather. I enjoy spending time outdoors and being active, and I am using the very good summer to better my physical health and get into better shape. But my creativity and curiosity suffer in that, but even though I notice that — I don’t particularly care. The heat and humidity stifle and slow down my mind. And I wonder, was it always like that? Was I always slower intellectually in summers past, or is it a new development for me? Or maybe I wasn't just paying attention to it before? Anyway — I will try to still exercise my brain by writing more every day. I will try to let my thoughts go in one direction and will try to focus on the idea at hand. And today I noticed that the first leaves from my birch tree had already fallen. The fall is coming, with rains and shorter days, and I guess my mind will go back to running on all cylinders again.