February 20th
Are we living in the post — evolution era? Looking around I see some many people that should have perished a long time ago and extinguish their genetic line. And yet, here they are, and they are seemingly doing fine and breeding and sharing and wallowing in their lunacy and idiocy for everybody to see.
As I understand the theory of evolution — stupid and weak and moronic and dodgy people should have died out already. We should be evolving toward smart and understanding and thoughtful humankind, and we are not. Why those stupid morons are being protected from normal evolutionary fate? And by whom?
I see those potential explanations to why the Elite needs them:
- as customers who will buy any crap and fill pockets of those in power
- as a dim electorate, who will vote against their interest to keep the Elite in power (all the while the Elite can pretend that they support democracy, and they are in power by the will of people)
- as a social experiment — to create a permanent under class of people to rule over
- as a megalomania experiment — to see themselves as better humans
Where will that lead us? There is already a huge manipulation of reality and truth from the Elite and soon there will be no possibility to reverse this situation. We will have a group of people in hereditary power and the vast majority of humans living sheep like as customers of crap stuff and entertainment without an independent thought among them. And we are already very close to the point of no return.