Great ideas

footsteps of the Furies
2 min readMay 17, 2024

May 17th, 2024

I had two great ideas — one last evening and the other early this morning. They were profoundly deep and original and I knew that they would give me several interesting subjects to write about here. Or possibly I could even expand and explore them onto some longer written piece. Or incorporate them into a book I am writing.

Well — I am not writing a book yet, but am getting close to exploring the possibility and maybe even setting a timeline for getting an initial schedule for thinking about rehearsing some ideas I want to write about… But that is a completely different story.

So, I had two great ideas for writing. And I forgot them both as soon as I started to think about something else today. They completely evaporated from my mind, only leaving enough residue to know they were there. I tried to go back and retrace my steps of what I was doing when I got them in the first place. The one from last evening happened when I was reading a book about humankind and the symbols we use to communicate and navigate our lives and relationships. I remembered that that great idea was connected to my understanding of symbols, but nothing more than that came to mind. The second idea came to me when I was sitting outside before leaving for work and having a cig. I was looking at the beautiful blue sky and I remember I felt quite well and content about my life. And there comes another blank — I cannot on any level remember what came to my mind that I considered such a great idea. Anyway — instead of writing about any of those ideas I had and lost, today I am writing about my forgetfulness (and a need to record my thoughts as soon as they came to me) and this uneasy feeling that my memory will not be getting better with age…



footsteps of the Furies

“for they knew what sort of noise it was; they recognize, by now, the footsteps of the Furies”. Enjoying life on the road to recovery. Observing and writing.