I feed only my left side…
December 10th, 2024
… of the brain. I completely neglect the right side. And that creates a terrible imbalance and internal disassociation from the reality. From my reality. The reality I experience is not mine. It is real for a majority of people who rely only on the left side of the brain for perception and instruction, without any attention to the right side. Mine is different and always was different. For me, it was always the right side, the one side that could comprehend the wholeness of the situation and patch together a series of disjointed images that are a (false) perception made by the left one.
I see only a single task in front of me. I can concentrate on only one task that is right there. I do not see anything that is beyond my narrow frontal sightline. I don't see anything to the side, or behind of me. I don't see, or experience any wholeness of being. I don't see any perpheries… I know things, all things, are connected and never binary dogmatic, but I can muster only a simplified reaction of seeing everything in white and black. No nuances, no grey areas, and no implicit understanding. That is wrong. For society as a whole, since it will lead us only into a coming reactionary disaster. But mostly for me. The imbalance in my brain is not chemical or physiological. It is caused only by my neglect of the right side of my brain. Which coincidentally is the right side of the brain for me to use, build up, and cherish.