In the beginning
October 20th, 2023
In the beginning was the Word — I don’t think there is a better opening line to any book, novel, or story. But it could have been even better if the meaning of it was properly understood and properly translated in the early centuries of early Christianity:
In the beginning was the Logos/Wisdom — that is the proper meaning and word usage that was intended by the writer of the Gospel of John. That is an extension of mythology — Jewish and other various ancient ones — where the goddess Wisdom was there in the beginning before the Demiurge. That is why the second line — and the Word was with God, and the Word was God — is completely wrong. The Logos/Wisdom was there before God the Creator and has nothing in common with mere Demiurge. It was only through Logos/Wisdom that the process of creation could start. Once creation was completed, Logos/Wisdom dwelled among people who were supposed to be the finest result of this creation, the pinnacle of the concept of the Demiurge. And what is more, the people were supposed to have in their minds, in the deepest depths of unconsciousness, the remains of the spark of the initial and primeval Spirit which came even before the Logos/Wisdom. But that wasn’t the case — people did not receive Logos/Wisdom kindly, and Logos/Wisdom was driven away by human sin. Where to — that is unclear.