July 16th
Well, I am back home already. I had to cut short my vacation by one day since a Latvian mechanic couldn’t (or wouldn’t) fix a problem with my car. I wanted to still see my mechanic on Friday, so my car would be ready for the upcoming week. My mechanic was able to diagnose the problem and fix it in 2 hours — I am pretty happy about it.
Today I also find out an interesting thing about myself — I can drive without problems and fatigue for 7 and half hours, almost 700 km with only one 15 minutes break. And of those 700 km, only 150 km were on the highway, rest on different kind of expressways and state roads. That is the longest I drove in a long time, and it’s good to know that I can do it easily in the future — it will help me plan future trips.
Tomorrow I guess I will be back to normal posting after I catch a breather after my vacation. And the heat wave continues, and that is becoming a problem — mental and physical.