Lack of certain dreams
May 18th, 2024
My dream symbols don't align with my woken life symbols — this is the concept that came to me recently. It was something that stuck with me as very important to follow and explore further when I thought about it, but then for the whole day I forgot about it and only this morning did it come back to me. So anyway —
Every dream I ever had, or rather every dream I ever remember — which is the same thing really — was about me in an artificial environment. I never dreamt about nature or animals (domestic or wild). That might be unusual, I think. Every dream I ever had was about me in a city, or a building, or on some kind of mass transport. I never dreamt about forests or meadows or mountains or any kind of body of water. I never dreamt about baby interaction with any dog or a cat I ever had, or any living thing that wasn't a human being. Every dream I ever had was about me searching for something or trying to solve some kind of problem, or a puzzle to get to where I wanted to be. I never dreamt about just something being or existing for its own sake. And I never reached my destination in any dream I ever had.
If dreams are supposed to clear our consciousness from all the garbage and insignificant shit that we accumulate during our waking hours, then that part of my brain that is responsible for my sleep is irreparably broken. I can deal with it the same way I dealt with it so far — going about my life without much thought given to my dreams. But if dreams are a way of our subconsciousness to give us some hints about our lives and deep-hidden desires, then my ignorance of them is wrong. I know I am searching for something. I keep telling myself that the object of my search is not important, only the search itself is. And that seems like a wrong approach.