Monsters and sinners
May 19th, 2024
I know it very well — when reason sleeps, the monsters come out. And it is like they know exactly when that will happen, they are just waiting right there under the flimsy cover of sanity to appear and reappear. I know that firsthand. I have had numerous experiences of that in my life, and that is why I try so hard to keep my reasoning always working to help me stave off those monsters I know I carry in my head. Over the last four or so years, I am proud to say I was more successful than not in this matter.
But what happens when there is no reason to begin with? What happens with people who, for various reasons, do not engage or even have their reason at all? Do they still experience monsters in their minds? I don’t think so, since they wouldn't know the difference between those two states. There is something else that they experience and willingly and with full commitment engage in — and that is sin. By sin, I consider what is clearly defined by the Christian doctrine of seven deadly sins —pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. I think that is one of the few Christian percepts that I agree with in full (imagine that…). I am a sinner myself — well, a reformed sinner — but that will not stop me from throwing the first stone at others. I am conscious of my failings and each failing brings extreme pangs of remorse and then constructive engagement in repairing the damage and then working on not repeating it again. Again — I think I am quite successful at doing that. I find it shocking and extremely hypocritical (well, maybe not that shocking) to see so many sins committed right in front of me and sinners who are not aware of their sins. It is possible that the concept of sin is seen as an outdated notion and I feel that is wrong — especially when it comes to those seven outlined above. I wonder, what will happen when I start calling others on their sins? And call them sinners to their face?