September 26th, 2023
Some say that it wasn't the Devil who tempted Eve to eat an apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There was no Devil then. Why would Paradise contain the Devil or have such a failing security that the Devil could walk right into it? Perfect God wouldn't make such a mistake, right? Or is the theory about incompetent and insecure and violent and thin-skinned and downright evil Demiurge correct? But I digress…
Some say it was an Archangel Samael who tempted Eve. Some say it was an act of rebellion against God (or Demiurge?) for God’s order given to the heavenly hosts to give praise to his final creation — Adam, but I don't think so. I think it was rather self-sacrifice on the part of Archangel Samael. First of all, Adam wasn't the first sentient being created by God — that distinction goes to Lilith. I think it a rational decision on the part of Samael, who, knowing the awaiting punishment, decided to give human beings a true self. Like Prometheus did in a parallel religious universe.
And we should all be thankful for it — either to Samael or Prometheus. Doesn't really matter — does it?
The spark of self-knowledge and ability for self-analysis and self-retrospect is truly a gift of the highest standing. Too bad that it is so seldom used, and when used — so often misused. But it is there, given to us to use it as we see fit. And Samael experienced eternal damnation — on God’s orders, Archangel Michael flung him from the Heavens to the Underworld and changed his name to Devil, or Satan, or Lucifer — which is ironic since Lucifer means “giver of light”, but I digress again…
Archangel Micheal was obedient, and that is the only reason he is still held in such high regard. Archangel Samael was disobedient — not to God, but to his station in the Heavens — and that is why today his name (whatever it is) is a synonym for evil.