Panarion or conservative mindset
June 24th, 2024
I could also use orthodox or fundamentalist in the title above instead of conservative. The meaning is the same — stubbornly angry, vulgar, violent, and condescending against any change or different points of view. Reading that book, what struck me the most was the fact that there is no change from the conservative, fundamentalist, and orthodox viewpoint from the 4th century CE to the mindset that can be seen in the media and society today. Words written in 375 CE sound the same as those used today in social and mass media on topics of religion and tolerance and understanding. All are based on hearsay (“people say…”) and selective choice of source materials and purposely chosen misunderstandings and catchphrases. And adding scandals to the narrative that are no more than a projection of sick minds that are so common to those holier-than-thou religious figures, commentators, and activists. Nothing has really changed in the 1650 years since that book was written. Not even the purpose. Panarion as understood in this book written by Epiphanius of Salamis means a medicine cabinet, a place where all kinds of remedies are readily available. And that is exactly what conservative, fundamentalist and orthodox minds want — sweet relief from anything that can disturb their peace of mind. A pill, or concoction, or a bandaid that will immediately bring relief to a disturbance or imbalance at hand, without needing to go deeper into any details as to what and why has happened. That disturbs me — but I will continue to read this book (and other books of its kind) and will wage a quixotic war against the fundamentalist movement everywhere I find it. I don't need a quick solution of dismissing the view of that side of society, holding them in contempt, or making fun of them. That would be too easy and will not bring the needed solution to the problem of conservatism as a whole.