Pleasant exhaustion
October 16th
I can barely move around, muscles in my legs, arms, and especially my lower back are sore and hurting a bit. And yet I feel amazing and very happy. I spend 5 hours this morning working in my garden, trying to get everything ready and tidied up before the winter. I think one more productive Saturday like that, and it will satisfy me that everything is in order before freezing temperatures and snows will come. Today I was moving, cutting, pruning, planting, replanting, raking, putting stuff I won’t need in winter away in the storage. I filled 22 large garbage bags with garden waste (fallen leaves and cut grass) — my composter is full already, and I think I might have to get another one in the spring. I worked slowly and methodically. Several days ago, I had prepared a basic plan of what I wanted to accomplish today, and that was done in full — line by line. I thought about maybe doing some more stuff, but in the end, I decided against it — getting too tired is not recommended in the recovery. I still had time while doing all that to play with my dog and a cat.
And this afternoon I fell content — that pleasant exhaustion is what I need once in the while. I need to think about a plan for the winter — there will be no more gardening, biking or kayaking. Of course, I will still hike and trek around local forests and marshes and towns and villages. But I already know I will need something more — maybe ice skating (there is an ice rink already open nearby)? Or cross-country skiing (depending on the snow coverage)? Another option is to hit the gym and start lifting weights — but I find this is so boring that I want to avoid it. And I don’t want to be around roided-out muscle heads who frequent gyms in my city. I know I will find something suitable and fun. And by the way — it was cold but sunny today, and I got a visible tan! In October!