Rain and snow
April 1st
I had a rather bad day today. After a couple of hours at work when nothing much happened, around 10 am the problems started. And it wasn’t just a problem or two — it was a cascade of problems, with each one dragging others into the open and creating overall chaos and a deep sense of dread. All that simply overwhelmed me. When I left work, I was grinding my teeth in anger, which was fitting since I was going to the dentist. I was actually looking forward to being in the dentist’s chair as a relief from my anger towards my inability to handle all the problems at work. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. The routine procedure for which I was going to the dentist turned into an hour and a half of complex and painful process that left me even more angry and tired and pissed off. And sore — apparently I have a unique and difficult root canal to work with. And anesthesia could only take away so much of the pain, not all of it.
When I finally left the dentist, what greeted me outside? Well, it was the snow and rain and sleet. But THAT made it feel much better, even though before I got to my car I was quite wet and freezing. Then being stuck in the traffic (it seemed that all the drivers forgot in a month of false spring how to drive in those conditions) still made me happy for not much of a reason than seeing my wiper blades working again. Finally, there was a precipitation of any kind! We had no rain (or snow) in this region since the end of February. And the snow left by winter melted at the beginning of March, and that was it for any moisture to get to the ground. The weather was gorgeous for most of March — unseasonably warm temperatures, wonderful sunshine, and not a cloud in the sky for three weeks. NOT A CLOUD IN THE SKY for three weeks. So no rain at all. And that is an immense problem for any period of time, but especially when it happens in the Spring. So seeing the rain and the snow and the sleet today made me feel better and gave me much-needed relief. And that will give relief to all the plants and nature as a whole for the upcoming spring awakening.