A secret quest
July 29th, 2024
I had a lucid and disturbing dream last night. That is something strange for me, since I rarely remember anything about what I dreamed of (and as I understand, everybody dreams every night). Even if I remember something, it is usually the terror or awfulness of that dream or just a few snippets created by my unconsciousness. Here I was fully aware of what was happening and it was happening on repeat, so once I woke up, I could easily recall it. I was traveling locally and was looking at the map showing connections of some fancy high-speed trains between local villages and the main city. There was a name of a village that kept repeating time and time again. I had never heard of a village with that name, but it sounded like a very plausible name. Of course, I looked it up as soon as I could in the morning, and apparently in reality, there is such a village only about 35 kilometers from where I live. Well, not even a village — just a hamlet connected to another village nearby. I have never been there, nor had any connection to that place. I have been in the vicinity of that place no longer than last May, but that is that. Or is it? That small hamlet is located only about a kilometer from a place that has meaning to me and to my family. About a kilometer from there, but exactly where we don't know — in 1943 my grandfather was shot by German soldiers during a skirmish during the Second World War. My grandfather was a partisan and his unit was ambushed near the village of Rynki, which is just to the south-west of that place. My grandfather survived (thanks to several brave friends and family members) but it was a very close call. He didn't talk a lot about it, except for the location — but he never used that name I heard in my dream, but the name of the bigger village nearby. I cannot think about anything else that my subconsciousness could be influenced to store that name and bring it to me in a dream. Of course — I am going there this weekend to snoop around and see what I can find.