Sociocultural disruption
March 6th, 2023
It doesn't really matter when it happened. It occurred at various times according to a specific geographical area. It was the moment of polar reversal by which a male began to dominate the woman and, what is even worse (and more telling), he buried her image as a goddess and creator of life to his unconsciousness. That also brought forward all the negative repercussions that are felt in all patriarchal societies (that is in all societies) until today and laid the foundations for the societal ills that we all painfully (and most of the time without awareness) face and suffer from. It stems from a groundless assertion that cannot be proven, even though plenty of attempts were made — an assertion of man’s superiority over woman. Since that time when the change occurred, we have been living (intellectually and morally) under terrible deception — that symbolic image of creativity and omnipotence is masculine. That burden of male inadequacy, and all the attempts to show male potency, are the reasons why our societies and our lives are terrifyingly meager in comparison to the true nature of human potential. Our collective memory, so easily suppressed, but never eradicated, tells us otherwise. Masculinity is a force of destruction and dumb boorishness. Feminity is the force of creation and sustains the nature of life. Pure physical genders have nothing to do with this assessment. We can all decide if we can turn into a force of creation or a force of destruction.