Speeding Ticket
September 14th
Yes, as George Harrison sang — “All things must pass”. All good things in this case. My super impressive 29 years streak of NOT having any speeding tickets or moving violations or points on my license came to an end yesterday. Totally my fault — I’ve noticed the sign with a change of a speed limit, took my foot off the accelerator but didn’t started braking. And right there were the cops with a speeding trap. They clocked me going 84 in a 60 zone, 4 points on my license, and 100pln penalty (I got off rather easy I have to say). Cops were very nice and courteous, I paid the penalty on the spot (didn’t even know I could pay by card directly to cops on the patrol). I got my previous two tickets when I was 18 — within a month after getting a driving license. Since then — only several parking tickets and nothing more. I always tried to be a good driver who follows the speed limits and driving rules and is courteous to other drivers (and pedestrians and bicyclists) on the road. I took real pride in being such a good and attentive driver and not having any tickets (and accidents as well) for so long, but anyway — the new streak for me starts today. I wonder if I can get another 29 years without any driving violations? Will I even be able/allowed to drive in 29 years? Maybe in 29 years, we all be only driving (or rather riding in) only autonomous cars?