Spontaneity as creativity
July 18th, 2023
Spiritual fulfillment and self-affirmation can occur in every facet of our lives when a person exercises creativity in various spheres of meaning. Creativity in this particular context— not in the sense of originality of creation as performed by an individual creator of a work of art or self-improvement but in the ability to live spontaneously (in action or reaction) with all contents of a person's outward and internal and cultural and family and societal life.
There is no need to be an artist or a scientist or a writer or a leader and there is no need to even be aware of the creation process in being spontaneous. Actually — it is crucial not to be aware too much of this process, since that would defeat the purpose of spontaneity. The only requirement is the willing and meaningful participation in the original creation that arises from the spontaneous act. The participation itself is creative as it changes the participant in a way that is not preset or expected, since it is spontaneous.
And now comes my issue with myself in light of those thoughts. I am the opposite of a spontaneous person. I don't act on the spur of the moment or react to the situation at hand as it happens. I am very calculated with my actions and reactions. I need time to process what is happening and decide on a proper course of action — after judging all the potential outcomes. Of course, most of the time when I am ready to act or react — it is already too late. I know I missed out on many things in life because of the disability of the fear of spontaneity that I carry with me. But — I’ve noticed that something is changing in me with regard to that. I see some small sights that show me that I can react and act to the situation at hand with fewer calculations and less conservativeness. Small steps, but a welcome beginning of a change.