The divide
July 16th, 2024
The divide between left and right will not be resolved or repaired within our generation or the next few after us. There is no longer any commonality between those two sides, except maybe for joined disgust with the undecided and centrists. I don't know if democracy will survive the next few decades, but I also don't think it will matter for most people as long as they have an illusory outlet on social media — that is enough for participation in society for most people. There is already a well-established trend of giving power to strongmen to lead particular countries. That will continue because those who will come after them or decide to replace them would have to be stronger and more vicious than those already in power. Those on the bottom will suffer the most, as always. That is the only thing that will ever change. The democratic countries had their chance to do something about it, but they drowned in internal politics and greed. I don't think I am alarmist or too pessimistic about the situation. I feel like I am very rational in my thinking. I don't even feel anger anymore (except for the flair-ups when something idiotic happens, again), but rather sad. The short-sightedness of people is extremely depressing. The idea of modern media (and social media) shaping political and social discourse is disgusting — but inevitable. I am still curious about the future and my place in it, but I have no illusions about things getting better.