The fundamental reason
March 8th, 2023
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
― Lyndon B. Johnson
Like every other quote, that quote is embedded in a particular time and place. But it still comes up relevant and strong and brutal nowadays. Especially the second part — if you show and give one group of people some other group of people to hate, they will keep you in power even if your actions are against their interests. That is essentially the point of the whole of modern politics. And of media and social media and social movements. Let's not kid ourselves, hate sells and is a convenient tool for those in power to stay in power.
There is unabashed hate flowing between groups of people — on a national or local or political or racial or religious or social or economic level. One group hates the other and vice versa. Politicians play along with all the media at their disposal (and they control the media by granting or withholding access). Media inflames the hate because it sells and clicks and page views are all it matters. Bankers count the freely flowing money deciding whose brand of hate will sell the best. And the pawns, that is the population at large wallow in hate to feel better about themselves.
That is just an observation. An observation of how pathetically easy is to control the narrative and thoughts and actions of the vast majority of the public in every country and on every social level.
And as an aside — Lyndon B. Johnson is criminally underrated as a politician and person (which in his case might have been without this distinction) and was — in my opinion — one of the best presidents of the USA. I did learn enough about him to form this opinion but to be honest — the field of brutally honest-speaking politicians is an extremely narrow one. I still hope one day I will be able to read the ultimate biography of him by Robert Caro but how the hell will I find time to read more than 3500 pages in four books? But I still might, I have the books already so maybe one day… Or maybe not, but I will remember that quote and use it in my judgment of others acting as predicted by it and those using the hate for their benefit. I keep my eyes open wide to all that surrounds me and the banality of politics and hate and power sting more and more. I know I don't play this game anymore and cannot be had by powers that be to their bidding. That means others can do the same. And if I speak clearly and powerfully enough I might reach them.