Three quick smiles
2 min readMay 26, 2022
May 26th
And today, and even before the noon, I had three separate reasons to smile:
- The forecast called for the rain, and yet I woke up to beautiful sunshine, with just a few clouds and slight wind and a temperature around 15C — just perfect for a smile and reason to linger outside enjoying it.
- At work, there was a welcomed reunion. My close contact person from one of my suppliers is back at work. For four years, we were in daily (even multiple times daily) contact — by phone or email. Two years ago, she went on extended medical leave, and today she is back! As soon as I saw an email from her with that announcement, a big smile came to my face. We already talked for a while, and it is just so good to have her back. And with clean bill of health.
- Since I am working from home, I decided to use my time not just for work (I mean — why not be even more productive?). I pulled out my summer clothes and ran two washing loads for all the shirts, polo shirts, short-sleeved dress shirts for the office (yeah, I know — but they are really comfortable), and multiple pairs of shorts. Now I see all that drying outside, in nice sunshine and a slight breeze, and I am smiling with expectations for the summer and holidays and just fun in the sun.
Not much in all that, but those small things can make me happy and smile. Bur wait, there are even more reasons for a smile for me today:
- It is only 11 am, and I am already done with work for today. And after a crazy and hectic last week on the job, I am not going to look for any extra work I can do. I will just enjoy a slower and quieter day for now.
- And today there is Mother's Day in Poland, so after work, I am going to visit my mom. A nice gift was already bought for her, so I will only get some flowers. And my sister will be coming for a visit and dinner as well today for this special day
It really looks like a perfect day. And there will be no ifs or buts or looking for any reasons NOT to smile for me today!