Turning point
December 21st
Today is the day!
Finally, the winter solstice is here today (officially at 4.29 pm)!
Finally, from now on, for the next 6 months days will be getting longer!
I know it will be unnoticeable in the beginning, only a minute more or perhaps two of daylight. Even so, the days will be longer and that is an astronomical fact. And I know that there still will be at least two months of cold freeze and snow and maybe even blizzards, but I don’t care. Knowing that we turned a corner from darkness is good enough for me. I crave sunshine. I don’t care if it comes in minus 20 degrees weather with a foot of snow. I feel, as I do every year on this day, that there is new hope and energy in the air. Or perhaps it is just me? I see only gloomy faces around me at work, festive season my ass! I am happy, that is all it matters. I feel rejuvenated, notwithstanding the end of the year coming up and the last digit of my age going up. I don’t care what will winter still throw at me. More daylight and longer days are all I need to be giddy and happy!
I constantly find those small things that make me happy, things that change my mood for the better. I don’t need much — a date on a calendar is ample and sufficient for my good spirit. The fact that my life now is so rewarding is beyond my ability to describe it in words. And I no longer question if I deserve it — I let myself enjoy life.