December 25th
Twenty-nine is the number of countries I visited in my life so far. I only counted the real visits and stays, so the fact that seven times I transferred planes in Dublin but never left the airport doesn’t count here. I probably could add that Twenty-nine is the number of countries I visited in my life so far. I only counted the actual visits and stays, so the fact that seven times I transferred planes in Dublin but never left the airport doesn’t count here. I probably could add that I also visited 49 states in the USA (only never got to Hawaii — YET) and some of those states could count as separate countries — New York (City and state), California, Texas, Alaska. This counting of countries I visited came up after the conversation I had with my sister’s fiancée last evening — he only once was abroad, and he said he doesn’t plan for any foreign visits at all. I find this very strange, but hey — it is his life and his decision.
As for me — I cannot imagine wanting to travel only within your country (or not travelling at all) and giving a pass to all other countries. I traveled abroad for the first time when I was 12 — my mom took me and my brother on a vacation to Hungary. I was hooked from that first time, my brother as well — I checked with him, and he traveled to thirty-seven different countries already! Seeing different culture up close, hearing unfamiliar language, watching strange TV channels and programs is so amazingly wonderful. Trying to read street and store signs, trying to engage in a conversation with locals in a local language armed only with several phrases from the guidebook, is challenging but so fulfilling. Even trying the local cuisine and especially street foods expands horizons and perception of that other country.
My travels so far were limited to Europe, North, Central and South America and the Caribbeans. Even within that area, there is still so much that I want to see — I have never been to Rome or Florence, for goodness’ sake! I have never been to Africa, Asia, or Oceania and I really want to change it. Hopefully soon I will be able to — of course, depending on the situation with the pandemic. But even within the guidance of all precautions, I can still do it — with less planning, deciding on the go, depending on what country is open for travelers now. This year I added two new countries to my list (Latvia and Estonia) and I know that list will grow every year.