Why should I care?

footsteps of the Furies
2 min readMay 22, 2024

May 22nd, 2024

It is the second half of May, in the latitude of north-eastern Poland, and it is 28 degrees Celsius. And it is going to be like that for a while, for at least the next two weeks — all weather forecast sites agree. And there is no rain predicted to fall that whole time. And there are hardly any clouds in the sky to bring any shade. And the effects of that are already seen in grasses slowly turning yellow-brown. And the heavy rains in the spring didn't help at all, as it seemed at the time. The ground is parched and dusty already.

That weather pattern wouldn't be surprising for the height of the summer, sometime late in July, but it is not normal for May. And it is not the new normal, as some people say. That is bullshit and gibberish and simply an attempt to conjure up reality. And I feel tired of saying it and confronting those who try to find any justification for what is happening. But at least they notice something and react to it — wrongly and stupidly — but they still know something is happening here and now. My real fury and anger and disgust are reserved for those who don't pay any attention to it. For those who just go along with what is happening without a second (or rather a first) thought. For those who don't react at all to unseasonable climatic change except for the perfunctory “boy, it is pretty hot today”…

I am tired of what is happening and the lack of action and urgency. I will continue to do my part, even though I know I singlehandedly have no impact at all on anything in that matter. I will call on those idiots who actively go around denying the reality of what is happening. But mostly — I won't care. If so many other people don't care about their future, and especially the future of their children, why should I care? I will go about doing my thing and trying to have a comfortable and conscious life without much care or hope for the future.



footsteps of the Furies

“for they knew what sort of noise it was; they recognize, by now, the footsteps of the Furies”. Enjoying life on the road to recovery. Observing and writing.